2011年10月8日 星期六

20111007 水懺共修 ------- 《靜思晨語。法譬如水》152. 六行~十行行 (四)

We often talk about action Due to the Aggregate of Mental Action, we are unaware of time and days passing by, so we must constantly be vigilant. In our physical and mental actions, we are always engaged in spiritual practice.
That is why in the Practice of the Ten Actions, the fourth is the Practice of Unlimited service.
三世平等 通達十方 利他之行無盡
Manifest skillfully according to the needs of all living beings in the Three Periods and the Ten Directions to benefit them endlessly.

What is the Practice of Unlimited Service? It means to "Manifest skillfully according to the needs of all living beings in the Three Periods and the Ten Directions to benefit them endlessly." We must work for benefit of all living beings.
The Buddha said that He came into this world to save all "living beings." "Living beings" does not only mean human beings. According to the Buddha, everything with life no matter how small, possesses Buddha-nature, but His teachings are centered on the Human Realm. One who wishes to be born in heaven must practice the Ten Good Deeds. One who does good deeds creates blessings and can enjoy heavenly blessings in the future. If you want to maintain human form, you must at least uphold the Five Precepts. By following the precepts, you can retain human form in your next incarnation.
Sometimes the Buddha appeared in the heavens to teach Dharma to heavenly beings. Buddhahood cannot be achieved in heaven, but they must still maintain their original nature, the pure intrinsic nature. Those in heaven only know enjoyment and often lose their pure nature. So the Buddha appeared to transform them. There are many such stories in the Jataka Sutras.
Let us talk about people in the Human Realm. We see the co-existence of beings in the Five Realms. There are those who are kindhearted, the rich among the rich, who are like heavenly beings in this world. They can enjoy whatever they wish. The also have the ability to help those in need. Greater than the rich among the rich are those who are practicing to attain the state of Sravaka, Pratyekabuddha. Bodhisattva or Buddha. they all practice in this world as well.
There are people as pure and untainted as Buddha, embracing all sentient beings, and teaching them with Wisdom and love. There are many such beings in the world. They are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There are many Bodhisattvas among us, in Tzu Chi and in other charitable organizations. We see many kind people working not for themselves, but for the sake of others. We call them living Bodhisattvas.
有智慧的人用智慧度 有苦難的人用慈悲心來度
這就叫做 隨眾生之機類而現其身
Transform those with wisdom through wisdom. Transform those with suffering with a heart of compassion. That is the meaning of transforming. Sentient beings according to their capabilities.

Regardless of their religion, from a Buddhist point of view these kind individuals who benefit others and not themselves are considered Bodhisattvas. So bodhisattvas exist in this world. In spiritual cultivation, whether we want to attain the level of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Pratyekabuddha or Sravaka etc., we must start from human form. The human world is part of the tem Dharma-realms, with mixed dwellers from all Five Realms. It is a mixed group of good and bad.
So who exists in this world? Heeavenly beings, humans, hell beings, hungry ghosts and animals are considered ordinary beings. Deities are ordinary beings, and so are humans, hell, hungry ghosts and animals are all ordinary beings too. Since we live in the world or mixed dwellers, we must man fest skillfully according to the needs of all living beings.
We should interact with and transform wise individuals through wisdom. We must transform those who are suffering with a heart of compassion, according to their capabilities and dispositions.
三世的空間裡 用無量無數的方法 廣度眾生
In the dimensions of time and space, and among people, one should use any and all effective means to transform sentient beings in the Three Periods of past, present and future.

「三世平等,通達十方」-- 三世就是在時間軸上的「過去、現在、未來」,過去是這樣修行過來的,是把這念心,時時發心萬行,我們發心,發什麼心?菩薩心。菩薩要有什麼心?六度心。
"Span 3 Periods equally, reach all 10 Directions. The Three Periods refer to the past, present and future. In our spiritual cultivation, we should always resolve to take action for the benefit of others. What vows do we take? The same as Bodhisattvas. What vows do they take? The vow to practice the Six Paramitas.
The Six Paramitas include all actions. We must use all means necessary to transform living beings. That is why our efforts must span the past present and future equally with equal resolve "Reach all Tem Directions." The 10 directions are the eight compass directions, plus up and down it encompasses the entire universe.
Earth is our focal point. There are so many creatures on this vast Earth, not to mention in the great Trichiliocosm. They are all within the Tem Directions. We must reach through the vastness. So I often speak of time space, and the relationship between people. These simple words encompass everything.
We must teach sentient beings according to their various dispositions, capabilities, types and forms. We are present to teach them wherever it is needed. For how long? Through the past, present, and the infinite future. That is how long we must maintain our resolve. Only with sustained will can we truly cultivate ourselves. We must fulfill our vow to benefit others everywhere. That is the Practice of Unlimited Service.
It may sound easy to perform, but there are many subtleties. These subtleties require us to be constantly mindful.
點亮心燈 將法輾轉相傳
真正的一句好話 就像在人心中建立春天
Light the lamp in your heart. Let the teachings be passed on from person to person. Genuine good words can instill the joy of Spring in someone's mind for a long time.

In the Sutras, there is a passage called the infinite Lamps. It is a parable to teach us not to disparage ourselves.
I have told this story about a candle. If one person lights a candle and many people borrow the flame from that candle, then many dark places will be illuminated. So the passage says, "When one person spreads the Dharma, millions of people are taught."
We should continue to spread inspirational words to teach and guide millions of people. For instance, phrases in the Jing Si Aphorisms are short and easy to memorize, teach and accept.
Many peoples' lives have changed by hearing these simple words. That is why we must pass on the Dharma to teach and guide millions of people, even an infinite number of people. If countless people pass it on to others, "as if lighting one lamp, millions of lamps will be lit. Countless lamps bring unending light."
I once told you a story
More than 100 years ago, in an ancient temple in Japan, lived a Buddhist nun. The nun was getting old, and she hoped to pass on the teachings and her position as the abbess. In the same village lived a family with a teenage girl who had been regularly coming to the temple since a very young ago.
She became a close companion of the old abbess. One day she heard the abbess wailing in grief. The devoted girl discussed it with her parents. Since she had been in the temple all her life, they allowed her to become a nun. After a few years, the old abbess was feeling ill. She called for the novice nun and told her, "I know my time is limited. You must be more mindful. Remember to light a lamp in your heart each day. She took those words to heart.
She lit a lamp for the Buddha, and another lamp every day thereafter.
After some time had passed, her master passed away the young nun followed what her master had told her about lighting a lamp each day, and lit actual lamps every day. Later, more young women joined the nunnery until, she had seven or eight disciples. as the years went by, she kept lighting a lamp each day. So around the temple, lamps lined the front of the Buddha statue all the way to the outside.
Time passed and soon it was 50 years later. Her health started to deteriorate. So one day she summoned her disciples and said to them, "You know that I light a lamp each day, right?"
"Do you know the meaning behind it ?"
"No. Is it to show our devotion to the Buddha?"
"Yes, it shows our devotion to the Buddha. When my master told me to light a lamp in my heart, I top thought it was to show devotion to Buddha. But as I grew clder, I often thought about the purpose of my cultivation. Was it just to offer a lamp each day? Was it just to bow to Buddha with reverence? Was that all? I thought about that every day. How does it benefit my spiritual practice and how does it benefit the villagers? I kept thinking. Now I finally have some understanding."
"I recall that my master told me to light a lamp in my heart each day. But I lit actual lamps. A lamp needs constant replenishing of oil, and can be extinguished. My heart is just like that. Sometimes it's full of dharma-joy and sincerity. But sometimes it's filled with afflictions, just like a lamp that is being extinguished. I have never really lit the lamp of my heart. A true internal heart-lamp will never go out. Go out there and count how many lamps there are in total."
The disciples hurriedly counted, and there were a total of 18,080 lamps. Knowing that, the old abbess wept. That's not much of an accomplishment. After more than 50 years, I lit all those lamps. But when I leave this world, the lamps will go out. Now the lamps are bright but the lamp in my heart remains unlit. She felt a lot of regret and soon passed away.
Although it was more than 100 years ago in a Japanese nunnery, when we hear the story today, we still feel regret for her. Therefore, in our spiritual cultivation it is most important to light our heart-lamps. We should promote the Dharma.
When we learn wholesome teachings, we must pass them along to others. Good words are as radiant as the Spring. If we often say good words, it is like bringing Spring into peoples" hearts. A wholesome phrase can bring joy to someone for a long time. That is how to instill the joy of Dharma in people.
So we must pass on the Dharma to teach and guide millions of people. Not just millions, but more than we can count. They are the "infinite lamps."
Remember, we must follow the Practice of Unlimited Service. Unlimited service comes when we constantly reflect on our minds. If we do not do so, we may even be unaware of our own breathing. Are we exhaling or inhaling now? We usually do not pay attention our breath, let alone our own thoughts.
[2011/10/7 下午 07:50:42] 吳寶秀: hi
[2011/10/7 下午 09:51:12] Richard Tsai 蔡弘凱(濟弘): 師兄姊大家好!
[2011/10/7 下午 09:59:14] pohjootan: 敬愛的上人好!  師兄姊晚上好 !
[2011/10/7 下午 10:00:11] Linda 慈諄: 敬愛的上人好!  師兄姊晚上好 !
[2011/10/7 下午 10:00:41] waynelin88: 敬愛的 上人好!各位師兄姐晚上好!
[2011/10/7 下午 10:01:16] pohjootan: 師兄姊 :
相互問好 !
[2011/10/7 下午 10:02:02] pohjootan: 恭請上人開示 :
[2011/10/7 下午 10:02:42] 慈鎮: 敬愛的上人好 師兄師姊好 
[2011/10/7 下午 10:03:15] derekamtf168: good evening
[2011/10/7 下午 10:06:11] felixchangfelixchang: 大家好
[2011/10/7 下午 10:06:58] susanwang1960: 敬愛的 上人 晚上好! 線上法親家人 晚上好!
[2011/10/7 下午 10:07:57] Richard Tsai 蔡弘凱(濟弘): http://neptuner.666forum.tw/t3403-topic 也可
[2011/10/7 下午 10:09:20] chilinjudy2: 敬愛的上人  法親家人晚上好!
[2011/10/7 下午 10:10:31] (Morning Study Host): 敬愛的  上人晚上好  各位法親菩薩家人晚上好
[2011/10/7 下午 10:15:05] Jaclyn Chiew 慈韶: test
[2011/10/7 下午 10:26:27] pohjootan: 感恩上人開示 !  請分享 !
[2011/10/7 下午 10:26:37] *** pohjootan added chu56811 ***
[2011/10/7 下午 10:31:53] pohjootan: <時間在過,我們都在不知覺中,所以我們應該要時時提高警覺,我們身外的行為和內心的細行,念念無不是都在修行中。 >
上人這一番話 是修行每天非常重要的功課
[2011/10/7 下午 10:36:07] Shuchuan Wang: "點亮心燈 將法輾轉相傳  真正的一句好話 就像在人心中建立春天  可以讓人歡喜很久"常說好話的人,處處受歡迎,就像吳隆盛師兄。
[2011/10/7 下午 10:36:14] pohjootan: <五趣雜居地就是在人間,有的人比這種富中之富的人更超越,就是修行,不論是「聲聞」、「緣覺」、或是「菩薩」、「佛」,這也是一樣在人間修行。>
能夠皈依上人 在慈濟宗門修行 真是百千万劫難遭遇 很有福報
[2011/10/7 下午 10:39:39] Shuchuan Wang: "好話我們要不斷不斷,輾轉傳下去,去開導百千萬人;就像現在《靜思語》很短,很好記,也很好傳,很好接受。"每堂真善美花道便有一句靜思語,讓學員讀,並且分享心得。
[2011/10/7 下午 10:40:43] pohjootan: 吳師兄真正是不為自己,只為別人 自己已在還債 卻還時時用現金 幫助生活困苦 生意失敗的師兄 師兄說 : 錢再賺就有了 真是大菩薩
[2011/10/7 下午 10:41:32] Richard Tsai 蔡弘凱(濟弘): 書法課也有靜思語。
[2011/10/7 下午 10:42:56] chilinjudy2: 點亮心燈 將法輾轉相傳
真正的一句好話 就像在人心中建立春天
[2011/10/7 下午 10:43:13] pohjootan: 師兄姊都是傳心燈的有心人 借助外物去點亮人人的心燈 敬佩
[2011/10/7 下午 10:46:06] Shuchuan Wang: 如將一燈點燃起,百千萬盞的燈,燈燈無盡,光光不絕。」每位慈濟人都點燃內心的那盞明燈,就可以照量許許多多黑暗的角落。
[2011/10/7 下午 10:46:42] pohjootan: <有智慧的人,我們要用智慧去和他相處,用智慧度;有苦難的人,我們要用慈悲的心態,去度他等等,這都是隨他的根機、隨眾生的類形。 >
所以無量義經云 : 遍學一切眾道法 智慧深植眾生根 要學很多方法去度不同機類的眾生
[2011/10/7 下午 10:50:01] pohjootan: [2011年10月7日 下午 10:46] Shuchuan Wang:
<<< 慈濟人都點燃內心的那盞明燈,就可以照量許許多多黑暗的角落。慈濟人就是在苦難的地方 點亮心燈 就像 菲力賓 非州 海地 .. 從前都是黑暗的 少人關懷的地方
[2011/10/7 下午 10:53:41] pohjootan: < 我們要立這念心,這種耐久的心志,這樣才能真正修行,我們一定要通達,到處利他之行,這樣就是無盡。 >
耐久的心志 也須要法親陪伴 關懷 人多力量大 才能耐久 時間、空間、人與人之間.. 才能有力氣 通達十方
[2011/10/7 下午 10:56:29] Shuchuan Wang: 盡燈」。  "記住,我們要行「無盡行」,無盡行就是要從內心,我們要常常反觀自照。"能反觀自照,才能觀得到我們的起心動念,是善?或是惡?
[2011/10/7 下午 10:57:37] pohjootan: <但是我的內心和它一樣,有時會法喜充滿很虔誠,有時我也會起煩惱,就像燈火有熄滅的時候,
我沒有真正點起我的心燈,真正內在的心燈是永不熄滅的 >
這個譬喻很好 煩惱心一起 就是燈滅時 ...
要拜託上人每天晚上十點 幫忙點亮心燈 .. 很慚傀 懺悔..
[2011/10/7 下午 10:59:39] pohjootan: <所以我們要將法輾轉開導百千萬人,還有無窮的人,不只是百千萬人,所以這叫做「無盡燈」。>
無盡... 很大的願力 需要很大的力量
[2011/10/7 下午 11:00:11] Shuchuan Wang: 耐久的心志 也須要法親陪伴 關懷 人多力量大 才能耐久 時間、空間、人與人之間.. 才能有力氣 通達十方」但願每位法親都有如此的共識覺,慈濟志業才能當地深根茁壯。
[2011/10/7 下午 11:02:58] pohjootan: <點燈若不懂得自照,連呼吸都不知道我們現在是不是在呼、吸,我們常常疏忽掉,何況是心念的起落? >
很震憾的警惕.. 原來我們是如此的不自覺 生活中的忙與盲 卻忘了修行這回事 難怪煩惱一直覆蓋
[2011/10/7 下午 11:03:44] pohjootan: 一分鐘
[2011/10/7 下午 11:04:54] Sally Wei 慈漪: 自己的心燈要用法油顧好 不然 一不小心 就會被八風吹熄了
[2011/10/7 下午 11:05:08] pohjootan: 請祈禱  MV 經藏演繹                                  http://www.youtube.com/user/a2328217?blend=3&ob=5#p/u/0/YFuu0sveY8g
[2011/10/7 下午 11:05:22] (Morning Study Host): 一燈能除千年暗一智能滅萬年愚。燈火相傳永不熄眾善奉行永無盡。
[2011/10/7 下午 11:10:53] pohjootan: 唸「懺悔文」、「回向偈」
[2011/10/7 下午 11:11:32] pohjootan: 願以此共修功德回向苦道眾生
感恩 上人 
[2011/10/7 下午 11:11:40] Shuchuan Wang: 感恩 上人 晚安!感恩線上法親家人晚安!
[2011/10/7 下午 11:11:58] Donna 慈瑾: 感恩
[2011/10/7 下午 11:12:00] Sally Wei 慈漪: Good night & Gan En!
[2011/10/7 下午 11:12:18] pohjootan: 親愛的上人晚安  各位家人晚安
[2011/10/7 下午 11:12:23] Richard Tsai 蔡弘凱(濟弘): 感恩 上人晚安,師兄姊晚安!
[2011/10/7 下午 11:12:34] waynelin88: 感恩 上人開示,各位師兄姐晚安!
[2011/10/7 下午 11:12:41] pohjootan: [2011年10月7日 下午 11:05] (Morning Study Host):
<<< 一燈能除千年暗一智能滅萬年愚。燈火相傳永不熄眾善奉行永無盡。 (y)
[2011/10/7 下午 11:13:40] tzu.du: 點燃心燈 依隨佛法明燈 心不離道 
[2011/10/7 下午 11:14:04] tzu.du: 感恩 上人 感恩法親菩薩們 晚安
[2011/10/7 下午 11:14:26] Linda 慈諄: 感恩 上人開示,各位師兄姐分享晚安
[2011/10/7 下午 11:15:55] (Morning Study Host): 心燈要不停的加法油(要素的齋戒)清火心(改習氣懺悔)共同守護(共修入經藏)才能千秋萬世.
[2011/10/7 下午 11:16:52] (Morning Study Host): 感恩  上人開示 感恩各位法親菩薩家人的分享
[2011/10/7 下午 11:17:11] chilinjudy2: 感恩 上人!法親家人晚安!
[2011/10/7 下午 11:18:41] felixchangfelixchang: gan en. good night !
[2011/10/7 下午 11:20:05] tzu.du: [2011年10月7日 下午 11:15] (Morning Study Host):
<<< 心燈要不停的加法油(要素的齋戒)清火心(改習氣懺悔)共同守護(共修入經藏)才能千秋萬世.智慧之語 末學謹記 無限感恩
[2011/10/7 下午 11:25:33] (Morning Study Host): http://youtu.be/EoQtMAGurhU
[2011/10/7 下午 11:26:22] (Morning Study Host): 晚安!

