2011年7月16日 星期六

20110715 水懺共修 ---------- 《靜思晨語。法譬如水》92. 以善心好念增長慧命

As I said earlier, the Saha World is one of endurance & suffering. Why do we need to endure? Because there is suffering. So we must endure and be patient in order to live peacefully in this world. If we cannot endure it, we may easily destroy ourselves. We learn Buddhism to take good care of our hearts.
If our mindset is one of constant dissatisfaction with people & things, mental problems will easily arise. We may develop a psychological disorder. If we develop depression or bipolar disorder, we may often uncontrollably hurt others and destroy ourselves. Such illnesses start in the mind and manifest in or actions. When we harm ourselves or others, we are being unfilial and committing evil.
Our suffering in life is the result of our actions.


We have talked about the Suffering of Suffering and the Suffering of Decay. Last is Suffering of Action.
We say that the Five Aggregates have no intrinsic existence. Among them is the Aggregate of Action. The Five Aggregates are form, sensation, perception, action, and consciousness. The Aggregate of Action is very subtle, like the change occurring in all things.
Nothing in this world, as long as we can see it, remains unmoving or static forever. Nothing. Everything is in constant motion. Look at the universe. Every star is continuously orbiting. The Earth and Moon that we know, as well as planets such as Mars, Jupiter, etc are all orbiting. So no matter what world we are talking about, be it the Moon, the Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, or the Earth, they are constantly moving and orbiting. This is called action.
Although we live on the Earth, we are not aware that it is moving. But imbalance of the Four Elements can cause an earthquake. The movement of the tectonic plates in an earthquake is quite obvious. This is also the result of an imbalance. We can feel it when something goes wrong and creates a disaster. Most of the time, we see action in the turning of seasons, or the change from day to night. When the actions are in balance, we will not feel the movement or the changes.
It is the same with humans. We do not feel the growth of our hair. When our nails are long, we cannot tell when they grew. Was it day or night? Which minute, which second or which day was it? We do not know.
The body is constantly metabolizing; cells are forming and dying. So our bodies continually age. From childhood we grow into our teenage years. Then our bodies enter middle age, and finally old age. We are unaware of this gradual aging, it happens unconsciously. We only know suffering when the imbalance of the Four Elements in our bodies causes an illness.
This is true of all things on Earth. For instance, when we plant a peanut, we bury a seed in the dirt. But after two days we see a crack in the soil. The next day, we see a sprout. When we look at it every day, we can see these definite changes. But when did the change occur? This is the workings of the Aggregate of Action. The plant produces the vine aboveground, but actually everything begins underground. The flowers bloom on top, then the vine extends underground, where it grows peanuts.

Action refers to a constant flow of changes. Everything in the universe is undergoing very subtle changes in every moment. If things are in balance, there is peace.

Nature is truly wondrous. Incredible things like this happen, and they are all related to the Aggregate of Action. Earlier I talked about formation, existence, decay, disappearance Decay occurs because of the workings of the Aggregate of Action over time. All substances are constantly in the process of deterioration. It is the same even with the Earth. The world forms, exists, decays, disappears. People go through birth, aging, illness and death. This is all the Aggregate of Action.

If things are imbalanced, disasters will occur in the world. Illnesses will flourish in our bodies. This suffering from a constant flow of changes is called the suffering of Action.

This Aggregate undergoes very small, subtle changes. Though things are changing, we do not feel it. Even if things are deteriorating, we do not sense those very subtle changes. Therefore, one of the Three Sufferings is the suffering of Action.
As we undergo changes, we can say that we are fine, we are not suffering. But do we have a 1000-year or 10,000year plan?
Can we make long-range plans for ourselves? Is that possible? Is that possible? No, it’s impossible, because the “self” is impermanent. Yet we can work for the good of humankind. Though the Earth will decay and disappear, its lifespan is calculated in Kalpas, which are very long periods of time.

In a life full of suffering, if we can develop our Greater Self, cherish the planet the country, society, family, and individuals, we can accomplish our mission, and nurture our Wisdom-life.

In this world, if we all have a good heart, harbor good intentions, do good deeds, cherish our planet, country, society and family, and take care to conduct ourselves well, then making a 100-or 1000-year plan for the world is worthwhile. It is also possible.
Those who came before us blazed a trail for the future. This was their mission. Wasn’t Confucius teaching for the sake of future societies? Wasn’t Sakyamuni Buddha expounding Dharma for beings in the future? Therefore, if we develop our Greater Self, it can last forever.
Attachment to a small “self” traps us physically, biologically, and mentally in the 4 Stages of Existence, Physically, objects form, exist, decay, disappear. Biologically, bodies go through birth, aging, illness, death. Mentally, thoughts arise, abide, change, cease. The Aggregate of Actions is intangible. We cannot see the changes and deterioration. This is life, or what we call the Laws of Nature. So, we should strive to understand the Truth and know that the small, limited “self” is not everlasting, it is impermanent.


Next, the text states, “The Three Confusions may cause all wrongdoings” Three Confusions are delusions.
Among them is saying what is impermanent is permanent. As I previously explained, nothing in this world exists forever. There is no Permanence.
Some are attached to joy where is none. What in this world can give us true joy? Is there a joy that lasts forever? There is a saying, “Extreme joy brings sorrow.” Sometimes people are so happy, they lose themselves in joy. For the sake of joy, they create many wrongdoings, and then suffer. Extreme joy brings sorrow because they get carried away. Such are the delusions of sentient beings.
In this world, what is true happiness? Even if there are happy moments, they are as fleeting as smoke, and pass away quickly. However, for the sake of momentary happiness, people will do things that cause so much regret and suffering.
So people mistake Impermanence for Permanence, and unhappiness for happiness. Look at our current society. There are many people who are creating chaos.
Some take drugs. Why do they do that? Once they are addicted to drugs it is very painful. Everyone knows this. But some people still indulge in them. Others may want to quit. They go in and out of rehabilitation many times, because they cannot control themselves. Aside from suffering physical pain and ailments, addicts also lose their willpower. When their determination weakens and disappears, it is hard for them to quit and remain drug free. After they leave the rehabilitation center, they cannot resist the slightest invitations of their addicted friends. They cannot control themselves. They suffer so much and are so deluded!
Drug users are not the only ones who suffer. Drinking is also a chronic addiction. Look at how so many people destroy their lungs, liver, heart, kidneys & stomach as alcohol infiltrates and damages their internal organs. This is a very gradual addiction. It is hard for them to quit, too. The liquor sits in a bottle, unmoving. Yet people are moved by it , and cannot control themselves.
Alcohol will damage their bodies and ruin their character. Yet they remain deluded and cannot save themselves so they claim that they are happy. Do you think that this is true happiness?
Gambling is another type of addiction. Once they start, they lose track of time. Just think about this. In addition to wasting away their time and exhausting their health and spirit, they lose money. Gambling losses have ruined many families, reputations and relationships.
Gamblers are well aware of these consequences. Yet when they are gambling, they say they are very happy. They cannot stop themselves either. They fall to the temptation of gambling. This is indeed a deluded lifestyle. But people choose to be like this, because they think, “I am happy” It is all about “I”, the “self” They do not realize that the “self” is impermanent.
Many people mistake Impermanence for Permanence and unhappiness for happiness. They show an attitude of “as long I am happy, what can’t I do?” They have a strong attachment to “self” Aren’t these people confused?

Because of the Three Confusions, sentient beings cling to Impermanence as Permanence, Not-Blissful as Bliss, No-self as Self, Impurity as Purity, and are submerged in the Sea of Suffering.

They cling to Impermanence as Permanence, not joyful as joyful, “no-self” as “self”.
They do not understand true principles. The everlasting, eternal Truth is a state of ultimate purity. They cannot attain such a state because they do not understand principles. Therefore, they will continually struggle and suffer because of impermanence.
Thus, life is full of suffering. Either the 3 Sufferings or the 3 Confusions may create all wrongdoings.
Everyone, these are all terms for affliction and ignorance. We can see that ignorance and afflictions are very damaging, and not just to humans. Everything in the world is damaged, and it all originates from human ignorance and affliction. So everyone, please always be mindful. Watch out for ignorance and affliction and do not allow them to arise.
[2011/7/15 下午 10:01:44] 慈鎮: 敬愛的上人 師兄師姊大家好
[2011/7/15 下午 10:02:14] PJ Tan 濟麟: 敬愛的上人好!  師兄姊晚上好 !
[2011/7/15 下午 10:04:17] tzu.du: test
[2011/7/15 下午 10:04:29] PJ Tan 濟麟: 師兄姊 :
[2011/7/15 下午 10:04:41] Shuchuan Wang: 敬愛的 上人 晚上好! 線上法親家人 晚上好!
[2011/7/15 下午 10:04:57] Linda 慈諄: 敬愛的上人晚上好!  師兄師姊晚上好 !
[2011/7/15 下午 10:05:00] PJ Tan 濟麟: 恭請上人開示 :
[2011/7/15 下午 10:05:07] Weilin: test
[2011/7/15 下午 10:05:30] tzu.du: 敬愛的 上人 法親菩薩們 晚上好
[2011/7/15 下午 10:10:04] Shuchuan Wang: Test
[2011/7/15 下午 10:13:48] ste235: test
[2011/7/15 下午 10:26:17] Jaclyn Chiew 慈韶: test
[2011/7/15 下午 10:26:23] Jaclyn Chiew 慈韶: test
[2011/7/15 下午 10:29:53] PJ Tan 濟麟: 感恩上人開示 !  請分享 !
[2011/7/15 下午 10:31:35] PJ Tan 濟麟: <要堪得忍耐才能在世間生活得安然無事
忍辱 無生法忍 很重要..
[2011/7/15 下午 10:33:15] tzu.du: 所以我們人生的苦,就是因為行動之後所得到的苦難。起心動念 開口動舌無不是業
[2011/7/15 下午 10:35:01] 慈鎮: 請問:如何才能與無明煩惱切割?
[2011/7/15 下午 10:38:23] ste235: 心若是對人事物常表不滿,心裡容易生病。若讓心理性的疾病產生出來,一切往往由不得自己,傷人也毀己。而不論是傷人、傷己,都是不孝、造惡的行為。 所以要學習”心寬 念純”—心寬不傷人,念純不傷己。
[2011/7/15 下午 10:39:43] Shuchuan Wang: "我們的心太若是對人事物常常都不滿,這樣心裡容易生病,心的疾病就會產生出來。"心寬念純美善人生;心理就不會生病。
[2011/7/15 下午 10:40:34] Shuchuan Wang: "若是讓心理性的疾病產生出來,有的憂鬱症、躁鬱症,一切往往由不得自己,傷人毀己。這都是心理先有了疾病,這個行動就會表達出來,不論是傷人、傷己,都是不孝、造惡的行為。"時時檢視我們的內心,不要讓它生病了。
[2011/7/15 下午 10:41:02] ste235: 人生的苦,都是在行動之後 而得到的苦難。所以行之前要先三思—所謂“三思而後行”自有其道理,對錯善惡可能就在一瞬間了
[2011/7/15 下午 10:42:52] (Morning Study Host): 敬愛的  上人安好  各位法親菩薩家人晚上好
[2011/7/15 下午 10:43:12] PJ Tan 濟麟: <心若是對人事物常常都不滿,容易生病 ,心理有了疾病,行動就會表達出來,不論是傷人、傷己,都是不孝、造惡的行為。>
不能堪忍 後果真的好可怕...
前二天遇到一些考驗 被人在電話中大聲數落了近20分鐘 還好平常有共修 心平氣和的不斷解釋 道歉 到最後一個小時 對方說這樣大聲責罵 竟然反過來勸導還說法 化解惡緣 不愧是說到 做到... :) 我也意外的不知不覺「忍」了 應該是每天熏法香的功效吧...很法喜又過了一關 又化解一份惡緣 變成法緣 ..
[2011/7/15 下午 10:44:58] PJ Tan 濟麟: [2011年7月15日 下午 10:35] 慈鎮:
<<< 無明煩惱切割?精進共修啦...
[2011/7/15 下午 10:45:07] Shuchuan Wang: sophia_chern 下午10:38 請問:如何才能與無明煩惱切割? 日日薰法香,法入心,法入行。
[2011/7/15 下午 10:45:12] tzu.du: 心鏡要淨 心境要靜 勤修戒 定 慧 薰法香是良藥 
[2011/7/15 下午 10:46:17] PJ Tan 濟麟: [2011年7月15日 下午 10:38] ste235:
<<< 心寬不傷人,念純不傷己。又是一句很棒的靜思語 = 佛法 (y)
[2011/7/15 下午 10:47:04] 慈鎮: [2011年7月15日 下午 10:43] PJ Tan 濟麟:
<<< 做到... :) 我也意外的不知不覺「忍」了 應該是每天熏法香的功效吧...很法喜又過了一關 又化解一份惡緣 變成法緣 ..您已提昇了 恭喜ㄟ
[2011/7/15 下午 10:48:56] Shuchuan Wang: "五蘊有「色、受、想、行、識」,其中有一個「行」字。「行蘊」,就是很微細的行為叫做「行蘊」。"一般人心很粗,很難觀到微細的行為。
[2011/7/15 下午 10:49:49] 慈鎮: [2011年7月15日 下午 10:45] Shuchuan Wang:
<<< sophia_chern 下午10:38 請問:如何才能與無明煩惱切割? 日日薰法香,法入心,法入行。嗯!
[2011/7/15 下午 10:49:55] PJ Tan 濟麟: [2011年7月15日 下午 10:41] ste235:
<<< 三思而後行”自有其道理,對錯善惡可能就在一瞬間了往往衝動起來..沒經過大腦,走捷徑.. 事後就後悔了...
還是先懺悔 心念煩惱的可怕
[2011/7/15 下午 10:51:11] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle: "............我也意外的不知不覺「忍」了  "  (clap)  (clap)  (clap)
[2011/7/15 下午 10:52:02] PJ Tan 濟麟: [2011年7月15日 下午 10:48] Shuchuan Wang:
<<< 很難觀到微細的行為。惡念心一起 也沒有察覺...
善念心一起 也沒有把握
[2011/7/15 下午 10:52:51] tzu.du: 一念心若沒照顧好 過去 現在 未來的業會牽連一起 糾結一團 因緣果報如影隨形 唯有善解 知足 感恩 包容才能讓內心如春天 不論什麼事到心裡 都能化煩惱為菩提
[2011/7/15 下午 10:53:13] ste235: 我們應該要學習能透徹理解到,人生每一個人的小我,都是不常住的「無常」。唯修得永恆如來清淨心的智慧 才是真正的"常在"
[2011/7/15 下午 10:55:00] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle: 看起來 真是善惡無記呢  所以還是 ;先靜~後思~再語  比較(沒呆幾) (chuckle)
[2011/7/15 下午 10:55:44] Shuchuan Wang: "「行」是遷流變動之意  宇宙間一切萬物  時刻都在微細變化中  調和就能平安"
[2011/7/15 下午 10:56:18] 慈鎮: 奧妙奧妙 不得不敬畏天地萬物
蘊 非常非常微細 我每天如此過日子 過去真的不知自己也在老化了  
一直到翻出相簿 一看 才清楚 肯接受十年前的我 與十年後的我實在差很大 也就是比較成熟
行蘊中是秒秒變化 而我是看到“年”才不得不接受變化 慶幸終於睡醒了 秒秒變化 秒秒是在變化 
[2011/7/15 下午 10:57:25] (Morning Study Host): 四神湯去無明煩惱。恭喜過關提昇。佛法是有不可思議的力量、衹要用心有心沒有過不了的關。最重要還是在自己。使我們信心倍增感恩!
[2011/7/15 下午 10:57:29] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle: 一般人心很粗,很難觀到微細的行為。~that's me  粗心大意該懺悔  還常以為自己很無心 (sweat)
[2011/7/15 下午 10:58:51] Shuchuan Wang: 曾有幾人看到夕陽餘暉與月亮交替的美景。
[2011/7/15 下午 10:59:16] PJ Tan 濟麟: [2011年7月15日 下午 10:52] tzu.du:
<<< 煩惱為菩提煩惱現前 真是菩提在前方等著 關鍵是..心是不是已法入心..法如果馬上應用上 那菩提即在當下...
如心不入法.. 漏掉了.. 那惡因惡報惡緣 又在重覆下去..
[2011/7/15 下午 11:01:03] ste235: 「無常執常、無樂執樂、無我執我」。這就是我們凡夫的顛倒,顛倒的人生。現在了解了,當須更加自我時時反觀自照 省思惕勵
[2011/7/15 下午 11:01:25] Shuchuan Wang: "但是我們若能為人類計畫,就可以比較長久了!"上人締造慈濟世界就是為人類千秋百世做計畫。
[2011/7/15 下午 11:02:50] PJ Tan 濟麟: [2011年7月15日 下午 10:56] 慈鎮:
<<< 秒秒變化 秒秒是在變化 我們若是執著於小我,人人都離不開這三種四相 都是不常住的「無常」。
如果是「大我」.. 安啦 永遠年輕.. 赤子心 !!
[2011/7/15 下午 11:03:18] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle: 夕陽與月光  是晚霞還是餘暉  這是煩惱與菩提嗎? 看過但分不清呢  或許真是煩惱現前 真是菩提在前方等著?
[2011/7/15 下午 11:03:22] felixchangfelixchang: 現在開始有覺得苦了, 因為身體真的比較差了 ....... :  (
[2011/7/15 下午 11:04:51] PJ Tan 濟麟: [2011年7月15日 下午 11:03] felixchangfelixchang:
<<< 覺得苦了, 因為身體真的比較差了 ....... 心開 福就來... 福氣啦 (祝您胖起來..) :)
[2011/7/15 下午 11:04:51] felixchangfelixchang: 明天傍晚試試看 ...
[2011/7/15 下午 11:05:07] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle: 身體差是必然  誰不都如此嗎  心不要苦就好
[2011/7/15 下午 11:06:41] 慈鎮: [2011年7月15日 下午 11:03] felixchangfelixchang:
<<< 現在開始有覺得苦了, 因為身體真的比較差了 ....... :  (別忘了運動 增加體能  注意心裡不要被脫下去就好啦 加油!
[2011/7/15 下午 11:06:49] Shuchuan Wang: 注意飲食,多做運動,早睡早起。
[2011/7/15 下午 11:06:54] PJ Tan 濟麟: [2011年7月15日 下午 11:03] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle:
<<< 或許真是煩惱現前 真是菩提在前方等著?一體兩面... 關鍵在「心」
[2011/7/15 下午 11:07:10] felixchangfelixchang: 感恩 !
[2011/7/15 下午 11:07:19] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle: (bow)  (bow)  (bow)
[2011/7/15 下午 11:08:00] PJ Tan 濟麟: 不好意思 忘了時間..到了
[2011/7/15 下午 11:08:02] 慈鎮: [2011年7月15日 下午 11:07] felixchangfelixchang:
<<< 感恩 !我就知道您缺愛
[2011/7/15 下午 11:08:24] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle: 請保重  該休息了
[2011/7/15 下午 11:08:29] PJ Tan 濟麟: 請祈禱     :
[2011/7/15 下午 11:08:47] Shuchuan Wang: "釋迦牟尼佛,不就是為了未來而說法!所以我們若能開擴大我,就能夠天長地久、永恆。"
[2011/7/15 下午 11:09:12] tzujen 慈甄 Seattle: 大家晚安
[2011/7/15 下午 11:09:18] felixchangfelixchang: 天天晚上都有諸位的愛心在灌溉囉 !
[2011/7/15 下午 11:14:03] PJ Tan 濟麟: 唸「懺悔文」、「回向偈」
[2011/7/15 下午 11:15:13] Linda 慈諄: 感恩上人 晚安!  師兄姊大家晚安!
[2011/7/15 下午 11:15:16] PJ Tan 濟麟: 感恩 上人
[2011/7/15 下午 11:15:17] Shuchuan Wang: 感恩 上人 晚安!感恩線上法親家人晚安!
[2011/7/15 下午 11:15:18] 慈鎮: 虔誠感恩
[2011/7/15 下午 11:16:14] tzu.du: 感恩 上人 晚安 感恩法親菩薩們 晚安
[2011/7/15 下午 11:16:48] (Morning Study Host): 夕陽與月光展現進入老年、會有惶恐害怕無明煩惱生、所以更要把握時機發揮最後的燦爛和光明努力低下學習歡喜付出慈悲油然而生。沒有時間煩了。請賜教補圓。感恩!
[2011/7/15 下午 11:16:59] felixchangfelixchang: gan en. good night !
[2011/7/15 下午 11:17:38] Richard Tsai 蔡弘凱(濟弘): 感恩 上人! 感恩 法親! 晚安。
[2011/7/15 下午 11:21:12] ste235: 感恩 上人開示  感恩法親家人們相伴精進熏法相  晚安囉  祝福大家!
[2011/7/15 下午 11:21:54] PJ Tan 濟麟: 親愛的上人晚安  各位家人晚安
[2011/7/15 下午 11:28:36] (Morning Study Host): http://youtu.be/b3dP-8Ti6x8
[2011/7/15 下午 11:29:05] (Morning Study Host): 感恩  上人 感恩各位法親菩薩家人
[2011/7/15 下午 11:30:14] (Morning Study Host): 把握夕陽無限好!
Linda 慈諄
Richard Tsai 蔡弘凱(濟弘)

